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'Tis the season to instill hope and joy! Unfortunately, for some people, this is a difficult time of the year. During the holiday season, some folks experience feelings of loneliness, financial challenges, loss of love ones among other feelings of despair. I challenge you to make a difference during this season whether it’s taking time to spread a little joy as giving back or paying it forward for someone in need.

So, what does paying-it-forward look like? Let me be clear, it’s not necessarily the big things that makes a difference, rather it’s the small things that measure up. I offer these few suggestions:

- Babysitting, at no cost, for a single parent who needs a leisurely moment.

- Buying groceries for a family in need.

- Deeply listening and being nonjudgmental to a friend experiencing feelings of despair.

- Gifting a child/student with an unexpected gift.

- Inviting a co-worker over for a home cooked meal who could not spend the holidays with family.

There are others but just be sincere and thoughtful and be mindful it’s the small acts of kindness that makes a grandeur impact.

Again, I challenge each of you to “pay it forward” for the rewards exceeds the efforts. I truly believe we are abundantly blessed to be a special blessing to others. For you maybe be the only light and joy some people will experience this season. To that end, will you accept my challenge and be that joy and offer hope for someone this season?

Lastly, let’s all be mindful that Christ is the real reason for this season. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2020!

Blessings to all,

Gala D. S. Goldsmith


Be mindful: “Be You. Do You. For You”

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