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Hello again! I begin today’s blog with three sets of thought-provoking questions.

First, over the past year since COVID came on the scene and until now, what are you most grateful for? Pause and give it some thought. Of course, right out of the gate, people usually respond as follows: my health and strength, my family and so forth. Not to discount your responses but let us add some meat to the bone—that is, be more specific. Examples may include but are not limited to: “Today, I am most grateful to have plenty of food in the refrigerator/freezer to eat, pay my bills on time, have a job I truly enjoy, have adequate emergency cash funds set aside, and have reliable transportation to go where I need or want to go”. And, if you are alive and reading this blog, count it all good, Count your blessings!

Second, how are you different now than you were a year ago, a month ago, a week ago, or a day ago, overall? Are you better or worse off? What would you change? Do you have a support system? Are you successful? Are you confident, reliable, or trustworthy? If you responded positively to any of these questions, they are positive affirmations in your life. Count your blessings!!

Third, reflect on what I just shared with you today and ask yourself: 10 What did I learn about myself today, and 2) What truly matters in life to me? While doing so, remember life always ebb and flow. Life application: there will always be people who have more or less than you do. So be grateful, whether it is good or bad. Count your blessings!!!

In closing, be mindful there are NO perfect people, and we do NOT live in a perfect world. Take one day at a time, good or bad. Strive to be better than you were yesterday. To that end, I hope and pray you do NOT take your blessings for granted for there are many others who would love to trade spaces with you. Have a great day and may each of you be continually blessed,

/s/ Gala D. S. Goldsmith



April 24, 2021

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